The 2016 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXXI Olympiad, and commonly known as Rio 2016, is a major international multi-sport event in the tradition of the Olympic Games due to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from August 5 to August 21, 2016. The opening ceremony begins at 18:00 BRT […]
Never Alone
The purpose of this blog is to inspire and encourage all believers and members of the family of God. We live in difficult times and through Word and Song, Message and Music, I wish to inspire and encourage the people of God utilizing my background as a PK (preachers Kid) and 25 years as a […]
In Rio’s Slums, Gangs, Drugs, Murders Carry the Day — Discover
A Rio native photographs life in the deadly slums of the 2016 Olympic host city. “And stuck right in the middle of it, you’ve got the residents of the slums, 99 percent of whom are honest, hardworking people who have nothing to do with the gangs.” Editor’s note: graphic content. via In Rio’s Slums, Gangs, Drugs, […]
Capital Life Blood
CAPITAL THE LIFEBLOOD FOR YOUR BUSINESS Part I Money is the key to keep your business. There are hundreds of ways to keep your business a flow and make a good living doing something you love, whether you have a hair salon, restaurant, bar, mom and pop mini grocery store, barber shop, and I […]